Anti-Procrastination, Anyone?

Be Bold

One of the keys to getting things done is anti-procrastination. A couple jobs ago, I had a really insightful boss who observed that the tasks I didn’t enjoy doing I left for last. Who knew?! (No really, I had no idea I was working this way!) It must’ve been quite the bad habit by that point. Thankfully, I’ve been able to make big strides toward kicking procrastination to the curb since then, but it’s still a work in progress.

A few years later, I inquired of one of my mentors how to go about killing off procrastination for good. Her amazing advice was to stop trying to not procrastinate, but rather, focus on priorities. Good advice! That, my friends, is the difference between being reactive and proactive (and it’s always better to be proactive, in my opinion). There won’t be time to leave what you and I don’t like behind because that will no longer be the focus.

If you’ve read enough of my posts, you know that I like to leave you with something to chew on. Have you seen one of those optical illusions where the picture is actually two different things? It’s a man! No wait…it’s a woman! No…it’s a vase! Yeah, like that one. A lot of things in life are like that. You can usually look at them one of two different ways, and I hope you choose the way that leads you through an open door of possibilities rather than straight into a wall. Join me in proactively preventing procrastination!

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