You Are That Powerful

Be Bold

To kick start my blogging session today, I grabbed a coffee at Starbucks. Since I’m a coffee snob addict, of course, I have the app, the Green Card, the Gold Card, and pretty much every perk in between. I decided to pay with the app.

Upon ordering, I tried to run payment from my phone to the fancy little scanner, but it didn’t take. It wasn’t until the associate came back to give me my coffee (Kimono Dragon, a dark roast, with a little room for cream and sugar) did the scanner actually accept payment. I told her all she had to do was look at it, and it would work. It sure did! Then she said to me, “I didn’t know I had that much power!” to which I responded with a smile, “You really do!”

What amazes me is how often we take for granted how powerful we really are. Our thoughts are directly tied to our actions and attitude. It’s easy to sit back and admire thought leaders, the “movers and shakers” who are always thinking of new ideas, and then those things seem to materialize before them.

But we can be those people too.

Don’t let anything stand in your way today.

I would say the same thing to you…

Remember the Source of that power (Philippians 4:13).

You are that powerful!

☕️ Journal Java

  • If you could complete any task knowing you could not fail, what would you do?
  • When you think of the word “power,” how do you feel?
  • When you see others succeed, are you happy for them, sad for your lack of success, or both? Why?
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