Donate Day

Be Brave

Have you ever had one of those days where you absolutely hate your outfit and wish you could start over? I’m a night-before outfit picker-outer. And I still have those days. 🤦🏽‍♀️

Today was one of those days. ❌ 👚 👖 ❌ This morning I told my friend and teammate, “Today is a ‘donate day.'” I didn’t provide any further context or explanation. She replied, “Yep! I totally get it.”

Wow. Somehow that made me feel better. If I couldn’t have a wardrobe do-over, her empathy and understanding was the next best thing.

So, what’s a “donate day”? I consider it to be a day when I hate my outfit so much that immediately upon arriving home at the end of the work day, the specified articles of clothing get put in the donation box or pile. (If it was a really rough day, I will launder them first, of course. I’m not an animal. 🐮)

That may sound dramatic, but there is something liberating about recognizing the need for a reset, setting my mind to it, and following through. I never recall having any regrets after this scenario played out each time. When I set my mind to it, it’s a done deal. No turning back!

Today was a scarf-and-sweater day. By 7:00 a.m., I had already set my mind to donate both the scarf and sweater. And then it came.

“You look so cute today!”


“I love your scarf!”


“That’s an adorable scarf!”


“Wow, I really like your scarf!”

Thank you! It was made in India.

I am not donating the scarf. (How can I after all those compliments?!) I learned a very valuable lesson today, that there’s more to things than how I feel about them. I was also reminded of the scarf’s story, and what it means to me…

I bought this scarf many years ago.🧣 It wasn’t very expensive. (It should have been.) I purchased the scarf from an organization that helps single moms and widows overseas earn an income and support their families by providing them with the opportunity to create products to sell in America. This scarf was handmade by a woman in India. It is a beautiful work of art. I’m now more proud than ever to wear it. I just needed a gentle reminder of it’s value!

Consider this your gentle reminder. Even though you might not feel valued or valuable, you are. I didn’t say it; God did! We are reminded of that in Scripture…

“…the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear ye not therefore, ye are of more value than many sparrows.”

Matthew 10:30-31 (KJV)

Whether you acknowledge or realize it (or not), you are so incredibly valued that Someone gave their life to save yours. That’s pretty incredible! On days when I am especially discouraged, God always finds a way to let me know. I wanted to make sure you knew it too. ♥️

☕️ Journal Java

  • When was a time you didn’t feel valued?
  • What made you feel that way?
  • What have you mentally labeled as having little or no value?
  • What types of things make you feel valued?

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